Monday, December 24, 2007

-sings- It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!

Happy Christmas Eve everyone! Well, I just wanted to drop in real fast before Tom and I go to bed. We get to sleep for about 4 - 4 1/2 hours and then get up and go to Tom's grandparents' house. Fun fun. Really I'm not all that excited as all grandma is doing for dinner is picking up subway. Turkey on white with mayo lettuce (and of course cheese). Now that's what I call a Christmas eve feast! LoL!
If I don't write tomorrow, have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!! (Naturally, Jess I'm sure I'll talk to you guys on the phone! ^_^)

Peace on Earth


Karilynn Adams said...

Subway sounds delicious! Anything but sloppy joes! We are having pizza.... it's our NEW tradition! ;o) Merry Christmas and all that jazz!

Jessicah said...

yes subway does sound delicious...i get to have the traditional grandma dinner of Ta Dah...Sloppy joes...

Merry Christmas, I'll talk to you soon!

Ritzville RS said...

LOL! Subway sounds good! David and Emily picked up a meat lover's pizza for our Christmas Eve dinner. It was good, but I must say, i do prefer subway ;)
Hope you had a great holiday!! Much Love to you and Tom!

Jessicah said...

You've been tagged, plz go read my blog...

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day