Monday, December 15, 2008

New love <3

Yeah, there's a new love in my life. *heart flutters* ...It's the Ande's mints (peppermint crunch). I kinda think it's a holiday thing and oh my gosh. Yummy. I think everyone I know should go out and get themselves a box (or bag as I have) and eat them. It's a small piece of minty heaven, I tell you! And should you not agree with my analysis after trying one no biggie. Just put those small pieces of minty heaven into a box with shipping and send them my way so I can appreciate them the way they deserve!!! ^_^
I work tonight...which is my second night for the week and also my LAST night for the week. Yep...5 nights off this week (and next actually). ((sigh)) I think plano is supposed to get back to actually doing PLANOS about the first week in January though so hopefully hours should pick up then. Maybe I can use my very long weekend to get a jump start on some real spring cleaning. That of the two I'm sure.
Well, I guess I'm off as I've not much to talk about right now....I'm gonna go eat a couple more of those mints before I get ready for work. ((Humdy dumdy dum...))


Jessicah said...

I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for this candy and give it a taste :o)

How funny though that hours should pick up in January and You and Tom will be taking a week off to come visit us. I'll be happy for you though at the very least, I know its hard to pay bills with no money (believe me).

I am sending lots of love, I hope to talk to you lots before Christmas, but just in case...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!

Ritzville RS said...

awesome! I will def. check out the mints... thanks for the suggestion!

You are sweetie pie, girl! Thanks for the sweet sweet comment on my behalf. I had no idea you ran into Mom Hall's car. (where was i??? LOL!

I am bummed to hear that you have your hours cut back, but you can probably get away with half and half (spring cleaning and WoW, that is!) Have a great time, and think of me!

BTW- do you and Tom still have the same address as last year? I still have your Christmas card here, waiting to be addressed....

Love you, hon!