Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2 nights left. Hell? Very well could be...

Well, I have 2 nights of work left before my vacation starts. Part of me is saying 'Woohoo!' like it's nobodies business... but at the same time I'm so tired that the thought of having to go 2 more nights is almost overwhelming. To top it off we are going to reset the sporting goods section of the store and it's not like they're making it easy on us. A bunch of the aisles (sp?) are switching around and such. Aye aye aye! I just can't wait to get to Utah. I so need this like you wouldn't even believe. *yawns* I think I'm gonna try to go to bed soon. Seriously.


Jessicah said...

I can't wait to see you! Did you ask Tom about my idea for him to drive here during the day? Anyway, love ya!

Ritzville RS said...

Have a blast!