Friday, February 27, 2009

Slowing down...not a good thing. ((sigh))

Well, work is going to be slowing down for probably a while as of now (for me...sadly already has for Tom). He's been scheduled only a couple days a week for a couple weeks now and up till now I've still had full time hours. Next week though I'm down to 4 days and have over 10 hours cut from the week. The following week Tom and I both only have 2 days. I work that Sunday and Monday and he works Tuesday and Wednesday. So it's not even like they could at least be nice to us by helping us save on gas money...they are still making drive the car all the way in to town over a duration of 4 days. ((sigh)) How troublesome... -_-
Thinking about might have been better to wait to do our Utah trip until this time that we wouldn't be missing out of work hours anyway since we don't have them to begin with. Eh, no use crying over burnt toast. Besides, I had a great time in Utah (other than the whole 'getting sick' ordeal...)! ^_^ I just wish we could go more often.
Tom made pitas for lunch today and they were scrum-diddly-umptious! Okay's almost 2. I seriously need to go to bed.
We're planning on going to Tom's grandma's tomorrow evening for dinner and to watch a movie with her. We were trying to decide between tonight and tomorrow....but with how late we're getting to bed....yeah...tonight isn't going to happen. lol
KK, my eyeballs are startin' to get that hazy feeling so I'm going to go take out my contacts which mean...yep...bedtime. G'night all....or I guess for you guys it would be G'day! ((yeah, tired))...


Jessicah said...

You guys went through a slow patch at work last year too, just grin and bare it until the hours pick back up. Just be careful how you spend your money and you should be fine. Maybe I should try to work out a way to come visit you while you have so much time at home :o)

Jessicah said...

I'm not sure what form of "bare/bear" is right for the phrase in my last comment, I am in no way implying that you should "bare all" in the naked sense :o) LOL, it just looks funny to me either way I spell it, is there another way I'm forgetting? Oh well, too much thought on one silly word.

Karilynn said...

Blah! I hate when things slow down. And it's especially crappy that they can't just schedule you guys on the same darn night!