Monday, March 10, 2008

Cruisin' Baby!

Well, my mom, Jessicah, Nathan & Jack (aka: car #1) should be arriving here in...oh I'd say within the next couple hours and today we are at long last leaving on our family cruise! Yay!
Okay, so I have to apologize that I haven't kept up with writing here. I know that there are one or 2 of you who actually take the time to see what's up in my life. ;-)
Work has been going okay for the most part. We got a bunch of new people on the presentation (plano) team a while back. One of them seems to take the role of "princess" and tends to argue a lot when you try to teach her something new. According to her I bark orders at her and whatnot. *rolls eyes* Mmmhmmm...cuz you all know what a total bitch I can be. :-P
Oh! I got myself a few new outfits for the cruise courtesy of Tom's grandmother. Yep. A woman I'm not even related to yet by marraige took me out and bought me clothes! And lunch! It was really nice! Also Tom and I are taking a camera on the cruise so I'll finally be able to post more pictures on my myspace page. ^_^

Well, I'm going to get going and see what last minute things I need to do to get ready to go. I'll try to write again after the trip. Much love!



Karilynn Adams said...

I read your blog! I check it like every stinkin' day! So update it more than once every 2 months dangit! ;o)

Ritzville RS said...

Yeah, thanks for the post to let us in on what's going on in Monicas world!!
BTW~ I hope you are having the time of your life right now in the middle of the ocean :)

Jessicah said...

That was a great trip, but I must confess I am glad to be back home where I can sleep in my own room and bed.

It was great seeing you guys, I hope our next visit is not so far away :o)