Saturday, January 10, 2009


So, I've just spent the last...oh hour so so (maybe longer) doing some cleaning in my trailer cuz I'm managed to misplace my checkbook (perfect), and I'm really due for a good spring cleaning anyway. I was standing there picking stuff up when I looked up to where I have my family pictures sitting. It's a photo frame when spots for 8 photos that Jason got me for Christmas a couple years ago and I think of everything I own it's probably the only thing I've never lost at least once. LoL. Granted I still have yet to fill the last photo spot with my own photo I love looking at the other pictures there. One picture is of my whole family on one of our Disneyland vacations we love so much. I think that is my favorite picture there simply becuz it's all of us together. Then the other pictures are of the rest of my family individually aside from Mom and Dad being together, and Shane is in Jason's photo & Emily is in Jessicah's photo. I feel really bad that I haven't added a photo of Tom and me to it, but I guess I just haven't really found a good one yet. Which is hard enough since we really don't take pictures. One of these days though.

So, we did finally manage to get in our papers to take time off at the end of the month and we got the managers signed approval so pending some freak reason our trip to Utah is going to happen. ^_^ I can't begin to describe how excited I am. One reason being that since I moved to California the longest time I've seen my family in one visit is one week (sometimes it was only 2 to 4 days depending on when the visit was) and this visit is actually going to be 2 whole weeks! Yesss! I'm getting so psyched up about seeing everyone that I think my heart my explode! Yeah, if you can't tell I miss them a bit. Heeheehee. I've got so many things I'd like to do while I'm there too. I can't really think of a lot right now... but they're floatin' around in my mind somewhere. LoL.

It's going on 1:20pm now and I really should be heading to bed so I don't get too off schedule, but I magaged to sleep from (I kid you not) 1pm yesterday till almost 6am today. Yeah. I was damn tired. It's kind of good though cuz I was actually scheduled a full 40 hours this week (and I know I got at least 2 full hours of overtime in there) so I was pretty damn exhausted. Good thing I also have tonight off. I don't want to sleep as last as I did yesterday, but at least I don't have to be up by any means 'early'. I'm due for another 40 hour week this coming week so my paychecks should start looking somewhat nicer than they have been. Thank goodness. I was beginning to feel poor.... well ... poorer. LoL!

Well, I guess I'm out of things to write about right now. But at least I got an entry down even if I did a very little actual update on myself. =) Love you all! <3


Jessicah said...

So you get to stay for 2 weeks!!!!!!!! That's great! I was only expecting for 1 :o) What days have you scheduled off, like what night will you leave to come down here and when do you have to be home? Call me sometime.

Jessicah said...

I sent an invite to your yahoo address, but I'm not sure if its the one you actually use for blogger, so if you still can't read the new blog let me know what email you use to sign on to blogspot :o).

Jessicah said...

Oh and I just fixed the comments so that you can post now I think. I don't know why I had it set to team members before. Don't know if you even tried to comment on it but you can now :o)

Jessicah said...

I'm not entirely sure why its not letting you post comments, I guess it will be easier to figure out when you come down and we can both see whats going on at the same time. All I know is that I have comments open to everyone (well everyone who is able to see the blog) so something weird must be a foot. Feel free to read the blog at any rate, for the most part all the fun stuff will still happen on my "jessicah's jungle" blog :o)

See you in a couple of weeks, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!