Sunday, April 5, 2009

Say what??

Yeah, no particular point to the title...I just honestly couldn't think of anything else and didn't feel like leaving it blank. So bleh! =P Basically I have about an hour to kill before I need to be heading out the door for work so I'm just killing time. I'm on a shorter schedule this week again. 4 days 11 to 6 each day. So while I wish it was more hours (or rather that Tom was getting more hours cuz I kinda like working only 4 days) I am happy that I'll be home early (unless they ask us to stay late for whatever reason). I work tonight and tomorrow, have Tuesday night off (which is Tom's first night working), then I work Wednesday night (with Tom), and last night is Thursday (alone). Yep, Tom's only on 2 days still. Our trucks have been picking up though so they said maybe around 1/2 way through this month or so that people could possibly start picking up more hours again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's for sure. Hmm...blah, okay I'm done now. I have nothing more worth saying. 0_0

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