Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 Nights down. 2 Nights to go. Then Utah?

So, I'm scheduled to work a 4 day week this week. 2 of which I'm over and done with. So I have to go to work tonight & tomorrow night and then the plan is for me to go with Dawn (and possibly Rorie) to Utah to get Dawn's car from my parents' house. Don't know exactly how we're going to be bringing it back, but I guess I'll let Dawn worry about the details. I'm guessing that if things go as planned that we will probably leave here sometime Thursday evening so that we can do our driving at night when there's less traffic (which is preferable to both Dawn and myself). I feel really bad that it's going to have to be such a quick trip, but if we really don't leave here till Thursday night, and the latest we can stay in Utah is really Saturday night, that's not a whole lot of time. (Yeah, I work Sunday night so that's why Saturday is the latest we could stay in town).
I was thinking that maybe on Friday Jess and I could make some pound salsa. ^_^ Tom and I made it yesterday and I just ate some left overs. Mmmm...if you haven't tried pound salsa before you're so missing out. It's NUMMY!
As bad as I feel though that I'll only have a couple days to see my family it's not so bad since Tom and I intend to take a week off of work after the whole Christmas rush at work ends so that we can BOTH go for a visit. I honestly think I'm more excited about that than just going this weekend. Well, I'll have Tom with me then (duh), and I half imagine that Dawn will complain about something or other during the trip, whether it be her allergies in Utah or whatever else.. Eh, it'll be okay. Dawn and I have been getting along pretty well. In fact...I think it's been quite some time since we've had a spat over anything. *ponders this* Maybe she's just forgotten that I intend to marry her little boy. (Heeheehee, Just joking.) Dawn has also been really good about being there for Grandma since Grandpa passed away. Yeah, FYI: Dawn and her mother haven't gotten along since practically the day Dawn was born. So, Tom and I are both pretty proud of her that she's still showing her mom a bit of humanity.

Anyway...how'd I get all Dawn topic'd?

So, like I said, I'm excited about going to Utah for a week visit soon. I'm not sure exactly when we'll ask off for, but I do know that it'll be AFTER January 15 (as that is the last day that is labeled as "NO TIME OFF PERMITTED DUE TO THE BUSY SEASON" sign at work. I guess I'll just have to survive until then. Thinking of you all and missing you.



Ritzville RS said...

Woo hoo! Enjoy your trip. What is pound salsa, anyway?

Jessicah said...

I'll need to see if I can afford the supplies for the salsa. I have to make mine with Chicken (since I'm not a big fan of pork). Can't wait to see you! Will you stay here friday night (if you go home on Saturday) or will you stay in a motel? Love you!