Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas Eve!

Well, Tom and I will be waking up in...oh about 6 to 6 1/2 hours and heading to Grandma's house shortly thereafter for Christmas Eve dinner. We usually go to Aunt Jennifer's (Grandma's sister) but she was having trouble really getting herself going at home so it's at Grandma's this year.

It's really weird. Today is Christmas Eve and yet for the past several days I've noticed that for some reason I'm not really feeling the season this year. I mean...I know that tomorrow is Christmas...but it doesn't 'feel' like it should be. Almost like it's just the cold time of year, but not the Christmas time of year, if that makes any sense.

I'm also finding that I'm missing my family more a lot lately. I dunno, maybe that's why I don't feel so into the season. It's possible. So I just want my family to know (and I assume Jess can relate to everyone ^_^) that I love you all so very much and even though I don't get to see (or sometimes talk to) you very often I think about you every day and knowing that you are all there and love me totally keeps me going day to day. (Damn, that was sappy...but it's how I feel so I guess that's okay.)

I know I need to be getting to bed, but I'm waiting for Tom. Grrr...hopefully he'll be ready soon cuz I'm tired and I really should get up a little earlier than planned to take a shower since I slept in last night and couldn't get one in before I had to go to work. If we didn't have plans I might just say screw it. I guess if I'm tired enough I might do that anyway...but I shouldn't *blushes*

Okay so incase I don't get on again until after Christmas...MERRY CHRISTMAS! You are all in my heart! <3

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