Sunday, December 28, 2008

Just a short entry (probably) for the sake of writing something down. I'm sorta wondering why I haven't seen new entries from some ppls on here (coughs: Jessicah & Cassie: coughs). Damn...think I have something in my throat.

Anywhoop...Tom and I are trying out a new mmorpg together. It doesn't look like it's nearly as good as wow...but it's free. ^_^ I'm waiting for it to finish installing...should be soon. (waits patiently)

I work 4 nights this week, the first 3 starting tonight, then we (Tom works all the same days I do) have new years eve off (Yes!!) and work again on Thursday night. I'm also back working on plano as of this week so I'm pretty psyched about that.

So how was everyone's Christmas? Mine was pretty good. I loved all the gifts I got. ^_^ Well, I'm out for now. PEACE!


Jessicah said...

It hasn't been that long since I did an entry ;o). I mean I guess its been a few days, but nothing is really going on currently.

Start saving up your money cause I think the family vacation is in October (or December) and I'm not sure if we are doing another cruise or the old tried and true Disneyland (which I want to do waaayyyyy more than a cruise).

Also don't change your mind about visiting in January cause I think I'd go crazy if you didn't come out.

Are you doing anything fun for New Year's Eve? I'll probably just end up at home like always, I'll have to see :o).


Monica said...

I plan on staying home, sipping sparkling apple cider, and and totally making out with Tom at midnight.

Unfortunately my make out session will probably end up being a more conventional peck. (Damn Tom...doesn't he know what a good kisser he is?) lol

*walks away without finishing what I was saying*

Ritzville RS said...

hahaha, okay, so I get the hint. I will be posting a blog soon.
I am glad you had a great Christmas!