Tuesday, May 6, 2008

5 Nights and Mother's Day. I couldn't have planned that better!

Okay, so I was at work last night and all the sudden it hits me like a ton of bricks. (Not hard bricks...big huge soft plush bricks). Since I got my time off request in later than planned and therefor had to ask the week after I had originally planned, that means that I'll be in Utah on Mother's Day! You have no idea how seriously happy that makes me! I don't think I've seen my mom on Mother's Day since I moved to California! Woohoo! That does mean though that I'm going to talk to Rorie about the situation because as much as I'd love her to come I think that she has the right to not come if she doesn't want to miss that with her own mom. I could totally relate! I even bought Mom a small gift since I realized I'd be there for the occasion. It's not much, but I saw it and thought, "Mama! That's for my Mama!"
Also I'm going to end up working 5 nights this week instead of just 4 because plano was scheduled to do about 13 more hours worth of work than what people who were going to be there are scheduled, so the manager okayed Sherry to ask those of us who have it off to come in. I figure the extra day won't kill me especially since I'll be taking the entire next week off.

I wonder if I can convince my mama that we need to go to dinner on Sunday for Mother's Day. I'd probably have to include Dad on the deal too...and the rest of the bunch =p Heehee!

Well, I'm off. I have to run the rent checks down to the office and head to bed. Tom and I are going to his grandparent's this afternoon to do some laundry and we'll go to work from there. Hope everyone who reads has a great day. And those who don't read...well deep down I hope you have a great day too, but chances are you won't cuz you didn't read and you've jinxed yourself!



Jessicah said...

So, what are Rorie's plans then? I can totally relate if she wants to stay home and be with her mom, but we would totally love to have her come with you if she still wants.

I'm pretty sure Dinner is in the works for Sunday Night, lol, mom usually gets Pizza (go figure).

See you in a few days! ;o)

Karilynn said...

Umm... I just wanted to reply so that I wasn't jinxed! So far it's been a decent day! ;o)

Jessicah said...

Hooray! Today is the day!!!! See you later!!!!!!!!!!!