Sunday, April 20, 2008

I guess today is as good a day as any to post and update just a little bit. Well, not too much is going on. Tom and I missed work on Thursday night due to the fact that his wallet suddenly came up missing and while searching for it we managed to lose track of time and weren't able to go in to work. (They aren't allowed to let anyone in after 12:30 and by the time we knew where his wallet was it would've gotten us there around 10 minutes late of that.) Turned out that Tom had finally remembered that he'd taken it out at his Grandparents house earlier that day to take care of an old credit debt and we'd completely forgotten about it. So, we had a 3 day weekend, but I think we are going to fill out paper work for sick leave to make up the hours we missed. Also this week I'm only scheduled 3 days. Tonight and the next 2 nights, followed by a long 4 day weekend. I imagine I'll probably have quite a few weeks like this from now till at least around June as hours in May are always very slow for my department. So, money is going to be very tight the next little while, but I think we'll manage...we just can't spoil ourselves in some ways we normally do...Don't fret or anything though Jess...I AM still coming to Utah. Tom knows that sometimes I really do need to be there and be with you guys. Like I said...we'll just have to be more careful about other stuff (like eating out and such).
I have no idea yet what Plano is going to be working on this week, and while I'm a bit upset at the sudden cut of hours so soon, I am looking forward to having some time off. I figure maybe I'll play some on WoW on a character that's not bound to Tom...maybe horde side...but I haven't decided for sure yet.'s now 9:11am and I think we are going to be actually getting up in about 6 hours, so I guess I'll end this and head to bed. Goodnight...or....goodday I guess to all you day dwellers....XD

1 comment:

Jessicah said...

Yay! it was a long entry today :)...I am really excited about getting to see you, let me know how things are looking after to talk to them tonight at work!