Sunday, April 27, 2008


-sigh- I just had the past 4 nights of work and I almost feel like I'm gonna go crazy. Weird huh? Ah well, I work 5 nights this week, altho the 5th night is the stores 'inventory' night so it won't be a regular night. Basically that night I'm only going to be there to assist those doing inventory when necessary. Finding upc(s) when needed and of course going along after and making the shelves look somewhat presentable (cuz lets face it...those inventory folks don't exactly tidy up after themselves).
As far as next week goes, I'm not sure what my schedule will be. I'm rather hoping that I'll manage to get 5 days again...but I'm kind of thinking that it's more likey to be 4 at most with plano's work plan for the month. I'm sure that if it weren't for inventory on Thursday night that we'd only have 4 days this week. I'll have to make sure to check upstairs tonight to see if next weeks schedule is in fact up.
The following week of course I shouldn't be on the schedule at all as that's the week I asked off in order to go visit the family in Utah. =) I'm thinking there's absolutely NO reason for that to not work out right so I'm not even going to let myself worry about it.

As for right now..I'm just being lazy at the computer until it's time to get ready for work. I hate going into work after having such long weekends, but if we are working on what I think we are this week (the first 4 nights) then the week shouldn't be too bad. At the very least it's not a very hard area of the store to set. The biggest thing will be stocking it all when its said and done, and likely the overnight manager will have a lot of flow team members help with that part. As they usually do with these kinds of sets.

Well, have a great day everyone. ^_^

1 comment:

Jessicah said...

what is the picture supposed to be, cuz it won't open up on my computer???