Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A little Bit of Monica

I created an account on here because I know my sister posts here and I think it'll be cool....well...cuz she says it is. =) I don't know how often I'll actually write, or what about in particular. I'll just write when the mood strikes me and I'll write about whatever I'm thinking about at the time. Fair warning, I can sometimes get really hyper and have it show. I can also be fairly quiet (so to speak). You can tell when that's the case. Those entries usually consist of about "Eh, not really sure what to talk about"...and that's it.
As for right now all I really have to say is that My job blows monkey chunks. Yup! Monkey chunks! I seriously need to buy a lottery ticket. LoL!
Well, I think I'm going to go check out my sister's blog. ^_^ If you read...have a wonderful day! If you don't...well, I would wish you well, but what's the point as your not here to read it??


Jessicah said...

Lovely blog! I really like the layout you've chosen...I've been not to sure about my whole blue polka dot theme, but I've yet to find one I like better...Now I've seen yours though, I won't copy it (even tho it rokz)

Karilynn said...

Umm.. are you STILL working at Target?!?!? You've been complaining about that job for months! Why not find a new one that doesn't blow monkey chunks? GOOD LUCK!!