Thursday, November 15, 2007

Revised work schedules next week.

Both mine and Tom's work schedules are somewhat changed next week. Since Thanks Giving is in a week and the store is closed they aren't having any over night people come in that night...which is good cuz it means Tom and I can up for dinner (which we are having at his grandparents' house) and not then have to worry about going into work. Since we have Thursday night off though I know work Friday night and Tom works Saturday night. Fun fun. *rolls eyes*
Anyway...I'm excited about Thanks Giving. It's gotta be one of my favorite holidays. ^_^


Jessicah said...

I'm sorry you have to work friday instead, but i guess its fair since the people who have thursdays off anyway would've been kinda jipped if they didn't get the holiday (cuz they'd be off anyway)...I only work 2 days next week myself...good thing i'm caught up on my ya!

Karilynn said...

I love Thanksgiving too! I think it has to do with all the fun Thanksgiving dinners we had together as a ginormous family! I'm not sure if our parents enjoyed it as much as we did.... but those are times I will never forget!