Monday, November 26, 2007

This is where the catchy title is supposed to go...unfortunately I'm uprepared and can't provide one...

This will be fairly short cuz Tom and I need to be heading to bed since we both work tonight. Bleh. I have tomorrow night and the next night off though. That'll be only 2 nights and then have 2 nights off. Oh well.
Tom and I got KFC today and it was nummy! In fact...I do believe I'll have a piece of chicken before bed.
Speaking of food...OMFG!!!!! We went to Tom's grandparents after work this morning to do a load of laundry and take showers (our water heater isn't working right) and made the mistake on stepping on the scale there after who knows how long. Needless to say..not at ALL pleased about the number that popped up. Not one bit. Not giving out all the details, but lets just say I haven't seen it that high since sometime during my pregnancy....later in my pregnancy. Looks like it's time for me to start being more careful about what I eat and start gettin' more exercise! (And no...I'm not pregnant....that would require being sexually
K, I'm gonna go take out my contacts, braid my hair, eat my "get me fat" chicken and go to bed. Night!



Jessicah said...

Yeah being pregnant would require some sexual activity ;o)...tell tom to get it up sometimes and give you some ;o)

Karilynn said...

Ummm.. is it the trailer? I'll be happy to send you guys a "If this trailers rockin' don't come a knockin'!!" sign.