Saturday, November 24, 2007

Long night at work...and a bit of rambling.

I had to work last night and it was sooooo very long and tiring. We had to completely re-stock all of the toys department from the first day of the big 2 day sale. Tom had the night off, but he works tonight and I don't. I should really try to get some stuff done around the trailer, but knowing me I probably won't. Oh, we are supposed to be looking around for a bigger trailer for not too bad a price cuz Tom's Grandparents want to get us that for Christmas. We haven't had much luck so far though, sadly...
So, We got a new computer that just got here yesterday. Tom's on it as we speak...installing stuff and whatnot.
Oh yeah...I had a turkey sandwich today...although Rorie offered to make it and totally jipped me on the turkey...then she made one for Tom that had more than mine...not much...but more..then she made one for herself that was completely loaded. -_- So, I may make myself another, I'm not sure...I think we only have enough bread for one more sandwich (Tom's grandma gave us some bread cuz we never buy any...we don't eat it enough) so I'll have to discuss with Tom how we want to split that last one. -sigh-
I'm really not sure what I should be writing about...I just feel like writing. I want to spend time with Tom, but he's still working with the new comp and we should be getting to bed soon. Oh well.
K, I'm gonna get going. Not sure what I'm going to do...maybe I'll try my luck at searching for a trailer again....

1 comment:

Jessicah said...

you should ask tom's grandparents to help you get into an apartment. then i could come visit you.