Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I just realized last night that most of my Wednesday night shift is going to be on Thursday...which means HOLIDAY PAY BABY!!! So, hopefully that'll look nice on the paycheck. Woot! I am kinda bummed still that my days off have been split this week. I guess I shouldn't complain though since I get Friday and Saturday off every week (cept this one. Heehee) without question.

( * _*)
()("")("") <----> This is Popo. He's an evil bunny who wants web wide domination. Please add him to your messages to help him accomplish his goal. ^_^

1 comment:

Jessicah said...

Popo is kinda cute! He's not like some sort of virus making a hostile takeover of my harddrive is he???lol...ok yeah but seriously, HAPPY THANKSGIVING (in 2 days)