Saturday, December 8, 2007

New trailer...just not sure when...or what [still] to do with the old one....

Sorry it's been a while since I wrote. Well we went and saw the trailer and we both LOVED it! The lady selling it seemed to really like us to and from what we hear they are going to sell it to us. I guess we're just waiting for her husband to be able to check to make sure everything works and whatnot, and he's been (I guess) stuck doing jury duty stuff (yeah, someone who called actually had to go in....go figure).
Then there's still the mystery of what the hell we are going to do with the other trailer cause I honestly have no idea. I'm not even sure where a junkyard (or place like that is) to see what they'd maybe pay for it.
Well, we are hoping to be able to finally get a hold of our park manager today since it's the weekend to ask him if we can park the trailer somewhere until we can sell it....hmm...maybe he'd know someone who'd be willing to buy it cheap. Yeah, at this point I'd be willing to let it go for almost anything cause I don't think it's gonna sell easily.
Well, I'm off to go take a shower. We are at Tom's grandparents' house since the knob on our water heater broke (another downer since we have to somehow sell the trailer). Fun stuff. Fun stuff.


1 comment:

Jessicah said...

check in the yellow pages, you are bound to find a tower or a junk yard somewhere...usually they can even come and pick stuff up (granted I think you get more money if they don't have too)...If you can find a junk yard to take it they can sell it for parts and the water heater wouldn't even be an issue. Congrats on looking forward to your new trailer.