Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sweet home California. Heehee

Well, the trailer is here and (obviously) I'm back up and going as far as the net is concerned. ^_^ Just a real short entry today though. I need to make Tom hook up the propane tanks so that we can turn on the water heater so we can both take quick showers before bed. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!



Karilynn said...

So happy you got your new home! Hope you have lots of time to enjoy it! ;o)

Jessicah said...

Congrats...wait i've said that like 50 times already...So let's move forward, when's the wedding???lol...J/K...Have fun!

Ritzville RS said...

Congrats!! It will be fun being in your new home!
So how are you as of late?